Our Mission:
The Mission of Krakowskie Zakłady Zielarskie Herbapol is giving its customers satisfaction and at the same time strengthening its position in the market of pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic products.
Our products are manufactured in accordance with the requirement of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) and currently binding legal provisions and international standards (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 22176) with respect to medicinal products, foodstuffs and cosmetics. In our production, we use the highest quality packaging and raw materials originating from controlled plantations and from qualified and approved suppliers.
The Company’s Mission is implemented through:
- On-going supervision and control over the quality and health safety of the products,
- Improving the flow of in-company processes,
- Improving the qualifications of the employees, through on-going training and self-improvement,
- Proper organisation of work and involvement of the staff,
- Effective internal and external communication,
- Introducing new products to the offer,
- Achieving measurable food quality and safety objectives.